A camp experience can change a child’s life forever. Angel Tree camping is a chance for children of incarcerated parents to get away from their daily challenges and have fun in the great outdoors, making new friends and meeting caring adult counselors. At camp, children encounter the love of Jesus and discover hope for the future.
Angel Tree partners with Christian camps across the U.S. by providing scholarships so that your child(ren) can attend a camp at little to no cost. To be eligible for the scholarship, your child(ren) must be between the ages of 5-18 and have a parent or stepparent who is incarcerated and has participated in Angel Tree® Christmas.
Your Cost: $50 Registration fee (remaining $220+ will be covered by an Angel Tree Scholarship)
Visit Angel Tree for more info here:
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To see what weeks Blueberry offers in partnership, check them out here!
Adventure Camp