Andrew and Lydia both developed a love for camp ministry through their own experiences serving at their local Christian camps. Lydia grew up attending Camp Good News every summer with her family. It was here at camp that Lydia committed her life to following God’s will. This later led to her decision to attend New Brunswick Bible Institute (NBBI). Andrew grew up on a family farm in Ontario, Canada, and enjoyed serving at New Life Camp (NLC) during the summers. Following High School, he enrolled at NBBI as well (bet you can guess what happens next:). Following Lydia’s graduation, they were married in August 2020. In 2021 they felt the Lord leading them into camp ministry and to Camp Good News where Andrew completed an internship for his final year of study at NBBI.
Andrew and Lydia are excited to now be part of the full-time staff here at Camp Good News. As the Maintenance Coordinator, Andrew works directly with Thayne Frost to ensure that the campground is well maintained for the use of campers and staff. Lydia loves to connect with the campers and volunteers whenever she is able. Andrew and Lydia excitedly await the arrival of their first child in December 2023.