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Eastern Maine Director

My name is Kathrin Hastey and I consider it a blessing to serve as the Director of CEF of Eastern Maine. Although I have a new title and role, I am not new to the ministry here in Eastern Maine. I have been involved with CEF of Eastern Maine since 2017, initially as a volunteer with Good News Clubs, youth trainings, and Downeast Day Camp, then serving on the local committee for our chapter since 2020, and most recently serving as the Downeast Day Camp Director this past summer and Interim Director of our chapter this past fall.
I grew up in Massachusetts but have made Maine my home for the past 20 years. I live in Sullivan with my husband and three children. The Lord called me to mission work as a teenager and has continued to give me opportunities to serve Him in missions throughout my life. He drew me to the health care field as a means to share the gospel, and prior to coming on staff with CEF of Eastern Maine, I worked as a nurse practitioner for over 22 years.
I will never forget my first experience serving in a Good News Club. The children at that school were precious and hungry for the Word. Many of the children had never seen a Bible or heard about our God who loves them so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for them. They were so engaged with the Bible lesson and hearts were moved by the sharing of how Jesus died for them. It was precious to see these children responding to the gospel right then and there. This experience spurred me to pray for more schools to have Good News Clubs and to support the training efforts of CEF of Eastern Maine for more youth and adults to go into the schools to share the gospel. The harvest is ripe.

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