Artboard 1
TCE 1 Training

Join us for this specialized training to help you teach children more effectively in your church and in your community.

Divorce, death, abuse, alcohol, drugs, bullying and anger. Our world is in chaos is and it is creating hopelessness, confusion, fear and loneliness in the lives of boys and girls.

You can have a significant part in reaching the children with the message of hope, the message of the Gospel!

TCE 1 is a 33-hour course that will equip you to effectively teach and evangelize children in your world while there is still time.

Although principals taught will benefit anyone involved in Children's Ministry. Special attention is given in general class sessions to Good News Club and other CEF ministries.

TCE 1 Includes Classes on Sharing the Gospel using the Wordless Book, Teaching a Bible Lesson, How to Teach a Memory Verse and the Importance of Reaching Children with the Gospel!
Participants must be 15 years old, or older.
There are currently no TCE 1 classes scheduled in Southern Maine. Would you like us to schedule a class for your small group or church or would you like to be on the first to know list for future classes? Send us an E-mail!
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